Dr. Golf aka Dr Nanthadej is an experienced orthopaedic specialist and himself an excellent golfer. He coordinates Bumrungrad's Doctor Golf services.
Bumrungrad International is Asia’s Leading Hospital with in excess of 430,000 international patients ..
Just ask anyone who has been to Bumrungrad Hospital, I don’t mean for treatment, I mean simply just visited, they will tell you it’s “out of this world”.

It’s out of this world because it’s more like a 5 star hotel and 1/3rd of the price and twice the level comfort and can Convenience. Their Logo does get it right “World Class Care”.

Khun Palmy kindly provided a brief tour of the hospital (5 star hotel). The more we toured the more I was questioning the theme of a Hospital. There is a soft harmony about the place, it has that “vibe” thing we talk about when we become attracted to the place and feel at ease.
They, the genius behind the scenes have created a culture that is very special, the U.S. Management team have infused their intel with the smiles of Thai to create a truly remarkable environment.
Our tour lasted for about 30 mins ( I could have just sat down somewhere and enjoyed the passing smiles for the afternoon) we made our way to orthopaedic section, it’s Dr. Golf’s other home.
I should add that I (like most people) don’t like hospitals as a rule, but Bumrungrad is a worthy exception.

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We shared our common knowledge aspects of golf which lead us to and more intricate elements of golf motor mechanics and what causes those nagging injuries and worse how simple they are to treat but can’t because we don’t have his knowledge “everything is easy once you know how”
I learnt so much in such a short conversation. I could see Dr. Nanthadej was enjoying my attention but the increasing frequency of visitors meant I was running out of time. Khun Palmy showed remarkable patience, I dare say it’s not much fun watching 2 guys gorge themselves on golf swing and muscle ache revelations, nonetheless she was not letting the team down.
Did I mention Dr. N is a keen golfer (keep that in mind if you find yourself in a round of golf, his knowledge of your ailments might be the source of mind games).

We synchronised watches and rationialised we have limited time for an inspection of the golf clinic so I should come back another day. I agreed but noted I’m out of days so t must be next month and then it was decided no it shall be now!
Dr. Golf co ordinated instructions to Khun Palmy and I was led to the elevator while Dr. G delivered instructions to about 10 support staff that were queued and waiting. A few moments later we were across the driveway an entering an auxlliary building. The building is infact the residence facilities for patients (5 start private hotel) , what a great place to house a golf clinic.
The customary Wai received by fine tailored wait staff to the private apartments and through a side door on the ground floor and you enter something that looks like a fitness club.
The unique golfing clinic is well established and very very well appointed. It’s probably just as well the golf clinic is not in the hospital because when you go there it’s hard to get past all the care and smiles. The worst part must be the outpatient section because they know they are suppose to leave, I dare say many contemplate a slip and fall, not to sue but for the addiction of smiles and care.
Now back at the Golf Clinic, as I wondered I was mystified by the various mechanic contraptions. They were neither nor old and dated, more like something from NASA.
The 6 most common golf injuries: causes, symptoms, solutions
Only about 40 percent of amateur golfers are injured while playing the sport. Research on golf-related injuries shows most of these injuries involve the back, elbows, shoulders, wrists/hands, knees or hips.
All golfers, regardless of the level at which they play, should know what causes the most common injuries, what their symptoms are, and when they should seek the help of a physician.
Lower back 36%
Elbows 32%
Hands and wrists 21%
Shoulders, knees, and other injuries 11%
*Harvard Medical School Study (2004)
Dr. Nanthadej Hiranyasthiti
Orthopaedics (Bone) - Orthopaedic Surgery, Spine Surgery
Spoken: English,Thai
Medical School: - M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 1989Board Certifications:- Diploma of The Thai Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 1995Fellowships:- Spine Surgery, Chicago, USA, 2001-2003Member of North American Spine SocietyMember of American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons

It goes without saying we recommend you visit the land of smiles, book yourself in for a service at with Dr Golf, The Golf mechanic and extend your driving life
Please enjoy the facilities presented in our Business Executive Tour services Bangkok Thailand
We offer the solution so make a resolution
Bumrungrad International is Asia’s Leading Hospital with in excess of 430,000 international patients ..
Just ask anyone who has been to Bumrungrad Hospital, I don’t mean for treatment, I mean simply just visited, they will tell you it’s “out of this world”.

It’s out of this world because it’s more like a 5 star hotel and 1/3rd of the price and twice the level comfort and can Convenience. Their Logo does get it right “World Class Care”.
Most visitors (patients) become addicted (to the care) and find themselves going back for more (rather than suffer in silence).
I admit, I’m addicted so I keep going back. As I had nothing wrong with I find the resolution Dr. Golf.
Now I’ve had my “hit” I’m smiling and keen to share the wellness. I recently visited Bumrungrad International seeking an audience with Dr. Golf aka Dr. Dr Nanthadej
In fine Thai style I was greeted by Khun Palmy, Public Relations Coordinator. By chance we also meet with Khun Siti Survo, Expat Marketing Executive for brief chat about the recent Expat expo at the Hospital. Details of that event are covered in another media article at this link.
I admit, I’m addicted so I keep going back. As I had nothing wrong with I find the resolution Dr. Golf.
Now I’ve had my “hit” I’m smiling and keen to share the wellness. I recently visited Bumrungrad International seeking an audience with Dr. Golf aka Dr. Dr Nanthadej
In fine Thai style I was greeted by Khun Palmy, Public Relations Coordinator. By chance we also meet with Khun Siti Survo, Expat Marketing Executive for brief chat about the recent Expat expo at the Hospital. Details of that event are covered in another media article at this link.
Khun Palmy kindly provided a brief tour of the hospital (5 star hotel). The more we toured the more I was questioning the theme of a Hospital. There is a soft harmony about the place, it has that “vibe” thing we talk about when we become attracted to the place and feel at ease.
They, the genius behind the scenes have created a culture that is very special, the U.S. Management team have infused their intel with the smiles of Thai to create a truly remarkable environment.
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International Patient consultation and language translation
Our tour lasted for about 30 mins ( I could have just sat down somewhere and enjoyed the passing smiles for the afternoon) we made our way to orthopaedic section, it’s Dr. Golf’s other home.
I should add that I (like most people) don’t like hospitals as a rule, but Bumrungrad is a worthy exception.
Picture left:
one of many reception areas in the Hospital
Dr. Nanthadej (Dr. Golf) was quick to receive me in the waiting room, drats I was just starting to enjoy the surrounds. Khun Palmy escorted me to the Dr. Examination room where I was welcomed by the man and rebuilds broken golfers.
Dr. Nanthadej is well versed at his trade, that was clear, but more he as a passion about his art of wellness and a keen golfer as well so he has prospective.
Image via Wikipedia
We shared our common knowledge aspects of golf which lead us to and more intricate elements of golf motor mechanics and what causes those nagging injuries and worse how simple they are to treat but can’t because we don’t have his knowledge “everything is easy once you know how”
I learnt so much in such a short conversation. I could see Dr. Nanthadej was enjoying my attention but the increasing frequency of visitors meant I was running out of time. Khun Palmy showed remarkable patience, I dare say it’s not much fun watching 2 guys gorge themselves on golf swing and muscle ache revelations, nonetheless she was not letting the team down.
Did I mention Dr. N is a keen golfer (keep that in mind if you find yourself in a round of golf, his knowledge of your ailments might be the source of mind games).

We synchronised watches and rationialised we have limited time for an inspection of the golf clinic so I should come back another day. I agreed but noted I’m out of days so t must be next month and then it was decided no it shall be now!
Dr. Golf co ordinated instructions to Khun Palmy and I was led to the elevator while Dr. G delivered instructions to about 10 support staff that were queued and waiting. A few moments later we were across the driveway an entering an auxlliary building. The building is infact the residence facilities for patients (5 start private hotel) , what a great place to house a golf clinic.
The customary Wai received by fine tailored wait staff to the private apartments and through a side door on the ground floor and you enter something that looks like a fitness club.
The unique golfing clinic is well established and very very well appointed. It’s probably just as well the golf clinic is not in the hospital because when you go there it’s hard to get past all the care and smiles. The worst part must be the outpatient section because they know they are suppose to leave, I dare say many contemplate a slip and fall, not to sue but for the addiction of smiles and care.
Now back at the Golf Clinic, as I wondered I was mystified by the various mechanic contraptions. They were neither nor old and dated, more like something from NASA.
The Doctor kindly explained their application and invited me to test (I did ok on the reflex and balance thingo), I really have forgotten the tech terms.
I concluded the array of fancy devices and contraptions would be common place in the worlds leading sporting corporations to ensure the million dollar athletes are fully functional.
The 6 most common golf injuries: causes, symptoms, solutions
Only about 40 percent of amateur golfers are injured while playing the sport. Research on golf-related injuries shows most of these injuries involve the back, elbows, shoulders, wrists/hands, knees or hips.
All golfers, regardless of the level at which they play, should know what causes the most common injuries, what their symptoms are, and when they should seek the help of a physician.
Lower back 36%
Elbows 32%
Hands and wrists 21%
Shoulders, knees, and other injuries 11%
*Harvard Medical School Study (2004)

Dr. Nanthadej Hiranyasthiti
Orthopaedics (Bone) - Orthopaedic Surgery, Spine Surgery
Spoken: English,Thai
Medical School: - M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 1989Board Certifications:- Diploma of The Thai Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 1995Fellowships:- Spine Surgery, Chicago, USA, 2001-2003Member of North American Spine SocietyMember of American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons

It goes without saying we recommend you visit the land of smiles, book yourself in for a service at with Dr Golf, The Golf mechanic and extend your driving life
Please enjoy the facilities presented in our Business Executive Tour services Bangkok Thailand
We offer the solution so make a resolution
on this webpage we offer a special promotion of Dr. Golf as well as many Golf features and tours in Bangkok.
We also offer special features and benefits about Bumrungrad Hospital
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