Austrade - Seminar Perth Oct 28, 2009

ASEAN Now! The Place to Grow
Your journey into one of Australia’s largest markets begins here.
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The Duxton’s Seminar facilities were at full capacity attendance from local Industry in Perth West Australia.
Patronage was widespread with sectors of Industry from Technology, Mining, Transport, Importers and exporters.
There is no doubt W.A. has serious trading links with our Asian Neighbour and the announcements by the presenters provide significant opportunities for W.A. business to develop these markets.

With Australia’s largest free trade agreement, the
ASEAN*-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, expected to enter into force on 1 January 2010, now is the time to look to
ASEAN countries for
opportunities to grow your business.
Business confidence in
ASEAN is improving, with the major
ASEAN economies forecast to grow strongly over the coming years as the global economic recovery takes place.
The message was made loud and clear by the heavyweights of the Asian Trade connection and WA Government

Speakers left to right
Michael Mugliston,
Rod Morehouse,
Adam Denniss,
Steve Arnott.
Titles of office displayed with the speaker topic notes

Speakers and Topics
Adam Denniss, Manager – Export Advisers, Austrade Perth
Introduce speakers, some housekeeping and official launch with via dvd from The Hon. Simon Crean Minister for Trade
Better Business Linkages
Rod Morehouse, Regional Senior Trade and Investment Commission – Asean South, Austrade.
through AANZFTA and Asean Industry team
A footnote – Khun Rod background has roots to Thailand. Educated predominately overseas in Thailand and Canada and later in
Australia at the Universities of Newcastle.

AANZFTA overview and key outcomes
Michael Mugliston, Negotiator , Goods, Asia Trade Task Force, DAFT
Mr Mugliston has lead Australia's free trade agreement negotiations with ASEAN-New Zealand for over four years. Prior to that he served overseas as Deputy Head of Australia's Mission to the EU in Brussels (2001-04) and was Counsellor to Australia's Mission to the GATT in Geneva during the Uruguay Round (1991-94).
Footnote: Michael is a product of UWA
a complex topic: Key tariff reductions/eliminations in sections, rules and Origin.
The information presented by Mr Mugliston was very diverse and complex; consider the achievement of the Australian Government creating a bilateral trade environment between 12 countries. The establishment of a history marking agreement to pave the way for Bilateral Trade Laws, simplifying the way to do business with laws to support the conduct.
Obviously there is going to be some teething problems however it was clear from the confidence and commitment by Mr. Mugliston that this will be done and will be driven by our Government.
I hasten to caution you about website resources, there is now a major legacy of transition of various countries, including Australia to sunset and update their website data; tariffs and the like so if you are serious about your Business then DO contact the appropriate dept.,
to ratify the validity of the information and ask the next question, what is changing.
For the latest news and presentation media from the Seminars visit this website
Picture right: .. chat after the Seminar
Spiro Politis, Phill Smith (AusWaThai) and Michael Mugliston
Pixel Focus – Spiro PolitisTestimonial to success into the Asian market with acknowledgement of vicarious connections from
Spiro delivered practical knowledge about his experience “real time” and identified features that makes the difference -
Austrade was and continues to be a key feature of his success. You can read more about Spiro’s success in google –
click hereWA Government programs
Mr Steve
Arnott, Director Dept., of State Development – WA Government Programs
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Steve acknowledge the enormity of DAFT achievements and the strong Alliance between Austrade and WA.Gov
Quite frankly I never know this entity existed.
During my export endeavours I tended to “D.I.Y” with the admission that when it comes to business enterprise my experience with Government is "cannot see the wood for the trees and cannot see the forest for the trees"
Prov. Cannot perceive the overview or important things because of concentrating too much on details. The information presented in this textbook is so disorganized that I can't see the wood for the trees. The politician's opponents claimed that she couldn't see the forest for the trees, because she spent so much time trying to solve minor problems.
I also acknowledge that my experience shows the opposite with our Government in terms of doing business outside Australia, the likes of:-
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
DFAT Austrade have been quite extraordinary in terms of their achievement and enthusiasm to support enterprise.
Conversely it continues to be my experience with Tourism and trade into W.A. Government is entombed in a manifestation of rules and regulations and of course the mere mention of this will further blacken my path…. Some Ministers need to read and circulate the training module “A complaint is a gift” and get a reframe on the word “Territorial.
I’m not sure how we are suppose to Trade with some Countries when they are not welcomed.
I will now visit the website of the Dept of State Development and update the Directories and
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Networking links on our website – please note: our website has been “in cobwebs” for the past 6 months while we updated our Travel Thailand website.
We then switched our focus to our Travel WA website WITH DISASTERIOUS RESULTS in terms of synergy with Tourism Australia.
Our experience over the last 6 months is Tourism Australia don’t talk, the only TELL (if you get a reply).... it's not good .... so we have moved on to our next medium to help our Community "Business export".
Sadly some workers don't know their employer's "Mission Statement", perhaps they are lazy or bad Management, it's not meant to be a facade. The easy test for this is ask them a few questions or challenge a process and oh boy... so many we have approached about Tourism Australia and I feel like I'm on a certain Aussie airline that show an intolerant view toward customers and Service... oops I say no more
Our Business website – WA and Thailand is now our focus, our monthly visits to Thailand are adding Icons support our Mission statement. The most recent addition, a “Joint Venture” project with SME Bangkok is a website for Aussie Business Execs tours to Bangkok. A draft is on display at .. how does it support our Mission statement ... simple make it easy and attractive for business people to visit, they either see Business Opportunities or that bring back benefits be it business or social. This si what we wanted to do with Tourim for WA but our perception is you can't get in.
Key Points from Seminar
Austrade are absolutely an innovative and entrepreneurial (and very enthusiastic) agency – do
not under estimate their capacity to guide and connect you to markets. The advisers are available for contact to determine viability of your product/service, they have branches in most countries.
Image via Wikipedia
DAFT through their Task Force have creating History, you should be part of it.
Handout Literature – The documentation comprised about 30 pages broken into about 6 sections with diagrams and recital, each is relevant to different markets. It’s very useful information, I’m not sure if it is on any website but simply if you are serious you will and should contact the department. If the energy of the speakers is anything to go by then you will be served well by their workforce.
Rules and Regulations – Transitional – check with the
depts. Before you bind your decisions based on the web page data
Image by thaigov via Flickr
Two-way trade between Australia and
ASEAN countries reached $88.9 billion in 2008, more than our trade with either Japan or China. Opportunities for business engagement are set to increase when the
ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (
AANZFTA) comes into effect. As Australia’s most comprehensive
FTA, this milestone agreement will give you greater access to a market of 600 million consumers, with a combined GDP of A$3.1 trillion. It will significantly raise Australia’s profile throughout
ASEAN member countries, create direct economic benefits through tariff reductions and greater investment opportunities and provide greater certainty for business. More details on
AANZFTA can be found at
AANZFTA, together with the resilience of the
ASEAN economies, their geographic proximity and our strong business and cultural links, will further enhance opportunities for your business in one of Australia’s most prospective trading markets.
Find out why
ASEAN is now the place to grow.
Go to or call 13 28 78
Please note - we only populate and support news Australia and Thailand 
*The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (
ASEAN) comprises Brunei
Darussalam, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
For all the latest news about Business W.A. and Thailand visit AusWaThai Media