The popularity of the entertainment promotion only known as "WBC Muay Thai Battle Collossall" has grown from strength to strength since it's inception in 2007. A concept devised by promotor Phon Martdee, and branded "Battle Collossal" by his son Pamorn, has seen Perth fight fans returning time and time again witnessing some of the grittiest match-ups to date. The series has seen the appearance of big name stars such as Oley Sakonpetch, Dusan Salva, Greg Foley, Flip Street, Shannan Foreman, Robocop Tananchai, Marco Tentori, Jason Lea and many more since part one in '07.
In it's twentieth year Promotor Phon Martdee promises the future of 'a new breed of fighters in a contemporary generation of champions' with many new hard hitting names coming through the rankings. Battle Collossal 8 will once again see WBC National Champion Oley Sakonpetch (AKA The Smiling Assassin) taking on Portugese champion Osvaldo Ochoa who is sparring partner to K-1 Thai Legendary Kaoklai Kaennorsing. The original match-up where Oley was to face New Zealands Sailom Sasiprapa was scratched after Sasiprapa shattered his foot a month out in sparring preparation.

Nevertheless Ochoa with a wealth of Muay Thai experience will come into the bout with a weight advantage and should put Sakonpetch to the test over five rounds under full Thai rules. Phon Martdee's new apprentice Chris 'Mr. TKO' Garner will step into the ring up against Supremacy Promotions star 'Kandy' Kane Hernderson in a full Thai Rules bout which will be "Knock-out or Be Knocked-out." As Kandy Kane hits as hard as a sledge hammer and Mr. TKO kicks and punches as hard as a steel baseball bat. The bout scheduled for five gruelling rounds. The question: Who will be left standing at the final bell? Also featured will be Perth's Irish giant Eoin (Pronounced: Owen) O'Droma who will be taking on Foxtel featured Lithuainian Andres Tamleht "AKA Indy" from Queensland. Indy who is slim though solid is tall and being Lithuainian, is known for being naturally hard to take down.O'Droma back after a shin injury is looking stronger than ever with improved hand and knee skills. Battle of the Big Boys will see another KO or Be KO'd style bout... The hottest four ladies in Australia labelled

"Australia's Muay Thai Super Women" will all be featured on the one show with Theresa 'The Hurricane' Carter smashing leather with Victoria's Nicole Brolan and Perth's new starlet Melissa Norton pushing her boundaries against Sarah O'Connell from Johne Wayne Parr's Boonchu stable in Queensland.
In other bouts "Super Boy" Mitchell Seth will face off against South Australia's Scott Hughes who is coming off a narrow loss to the 16 year old supercharger Toby Smith. And the return of Hard hitting Jake "The Tear" Tomlinson going up against Queensland's Toi Vio. The under card will be short but sweet with Phon Martdee sourcing only the best to make the cut of this turbo charged fight card. Face offs will be closer

than ever and the sweat and leather will be put together with some of the best light, sound and pin up girl entertainment to offer...
Don't Miss it, WBC Muay Thai Battle Collossal Viii, the last show until March 2010!For Tickets call 0413 813 887 or 9227 5296 check http://www.muaythaipromotions.com/ for instant ticket purchase now!!!
copy of brochure available at austhai Newflash