Tourism Department Director-General Supol Sripan said the survey of 1,200 foreign tourists was carried out during 9-30 April 2011, to collect their opinions for use in improving the Thai tourism sector.
Asked what had attracted them to Thailand, 36.3% of the respondents cited the sea while 59.3% said they were recommended by friends. 46.6% of the respondents were impressed by Thai delicacies. 45.6% were interested in Thai culture while 41.9% loved Thai spa and massage.
On problems to be addressed, 27.9% of the respondents wanted the authorities to solve overpriced private transport service while 25.6% wanted to see clean public places.
According to Director-General Supol, the tourism situation has been improving this year. The number of foreign tourists coming to Thailand by the end of this year is expect to be no less than 17 million, generating over 600 billion baht in revenue.

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collage of opening night at The Clubhouse Bangkok, click here to expand image or click "here to see photo album Clubhouse Bangkok"
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