Though many travelers rely heavily on star ratings when booking hotels, there is no international standard system, nor even clearly defined parameters. What constitutes a four-star hotel in one area may differ sharply from what is considered a four-star hotel in another area. European hotels generally rank from one to four stars, meaning that a four-star hotel in Thailand can differ greatly from a four star hotel inn Australia. Not just the quality control and features but also the attitude and aptitude of the staff and Management.
Picture left
The Dream Hotel, Soi 15 Kong Toey, Bangkok
As 5 star boutique Hotel at incredibley low prices but top notch presentation and service.. but how will you ever know?.. unless you've sacrificed a trip to discover more, have a trusted friend or travel ambassador... (hey check out Asoke PA below)
Lack of Unification
Some sites may rely on an amalgamation of several ratings systems, including their own. This means the site is even less likely to award properties ratings similar to that of other sites. Hotwire, for instance, culls its ratings from several major guides in addition to customer feedback and the experience of its own reviewers. Therefore, how Hotwire ranks a hotel may differ from the hotel's own rating.
We have collated a fair and equitable system and posted to our
forum for both Hotels and Restaurants and from this we can apply a rating to the venues that are accredited to the Bangkok Hospitality Database, a free service for Travellers.
Picture right
Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant, Bangkok
Don't let the name fool you, like so many people that form the wrong view based on perceptions, know the difference between and traveller and a tourist!
The Restaurant is a "Must do" travel spot in Bangkok, it's full of lovely Thai staff, Culture and food and of course you'll discover an important message.
about this restaurant
The solution for your Travel Planning -
Corporate Tours - Aussie Exec Tours Bangkok
The service is pitched for the Business Exec (Guys and Girls) and/or their team. We can introduce you to the Trade network in Bangkok or simply bring your team for reward for Achievement. The service extends to medical tours, golfing, shopping and Tourism. We don't like to do the "norm" we like to change attitudes and immerse you in amazing Thailand.
D.I.Y. Tours - Asoke PA
The overwhelming success of Aussie Exec Tours Bangkok has been from the synergy of our P.A's, Local Thai people oozing enthusiasm and Thai Smile charm. The natural hospitality skills capture the hearts of our guests and everyone feels is able to shed their armour and feel human again.
The PA service is now being extended to the general tourism market, visitors on short stay realise the significant benefits of the Asoke PA service. For a nominal fee the girls provide orientation services to get you familiar with the local area and transport systems, or shopping tours. In most instances people find it invaluable to appoint the PA's for continued attendance joining in for tours, meals and social events. The bonus of cultural exchange is a great value added experience and thus the typical 4 hour booking extends to the 4 or 5 days of the clients visit.
Bangkok Database Venue is free to access and use. It's designed for Planners "it's Logistical not Beautiful"... it's under construction. We have includes 3rd party search engines in the Hospitality subpages for Bars, Hotels, Restaurants.