As "Aussie Exec Tours Bangkok" rises with popularity so too does the shared smiles and great experiences.
Editorial by Phillip Smith. Director AusWaThai
Our guests are amazed at what this Megga city has to offer and quite frankly every outing I get a little "gob smacked" by yet more Gemstones!
Bangkok is a fountain of wellness, mostly because of the people you meet; the source of synergy and it goes without saying Thai hospitality is unique.
In April we add a few Restaurants to our treasure map!
Our guests are amazed at what this Megga city has to offer and quite frankly every outing I get a little "gob smacked" by yet more Gemstones!
Bangkok is a fountain of wellness, mostly because of the people you meet; the source of synergy and it goes without saying Thai hospitality is unique.
In April we add a few Restaurants to our treasure map!
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25th flr, a hidden jewel in Bangkok’s crown. It's stylish and elegant and the Panoramic view of the city skyline is all consuming.
25th flr, a hidden jewel in Bangkok’s crown. It's stylish and elegant and the Panoramic view of the city skyline is all consuming.
The worlds "Longest Table" or slide into a booth with lavish cushions to cuddle up and relax into the evening. All elements are outstanding.
A cutting edge concept.
Zone: Sukhumvit (Soi 16)
MahaNaga: 5 star dinning
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I would never have believed this place until I saw it for myself.
A rose among thorns, rich earthy colours inside and out. Elegant courtyard, surrounded by cosy dining rooms all offering garden views.
It's a Thai fusion fare at its best. The dishes on offer are clearly the fruit of the chef's creativity and hard work.
Zone: Sukhumvit (Soi 29)
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You'll either love or hate "Moo Gadaa" (DIY Thai BBQ) - this one is a Diamond.
DIY or menu sets at ridiculous low prices.
5th flr rooftop view at the Chao Phraya River (priceless views)
The roof is alive with a "tropical garden" which divides the BBQ area from the "Balco Bar" an alfresco rooftop bar where you can enjoy cocktails and jazz music at basement prices. Sink into an outdoor lounge and absorb the view of the river.
The location is a "Travel Spot" directly opposite Millenium Hilton.
Good news
All venues are logged to a Public Access Tourism Database Bangkok.
All venues are logged to a Public Access Tourism Database Bangkok.
The database (for tour planners) shows functional data such as:-
Intensity, Price Point, Map location Photos, Venue rating, Zone location, Transport methods.

The database is rated "Advanced user", so we added a link to the consumer style search engines.
The Database is a collaborative effort by
Aussie Exec Tours Bangkok, local travel agents field work by enthusiastic PA's from "Asoke PA", a unique local "Personal Assist (Concierge) service for Tourists.
"Asoke PA" service was initially for Corporate clients but the cost is so low and great value now everyone is "Getting on Board"
In April we met more special people at the AustCham Sundowner in Bangkok
Andrew Smith, Director of Inovastra:
- Accounting Services in Bangkok and Perth WA. Andrew (WA lad) is a frequent flyer
- WA bread, Bangkok based 17yrs now serving as a Business and Events consultant.
I'm pleased to confirm both are gentlemen and highly qualified for their Portfolios. The social contact at AustCham Sundowners is well known (Bangkoks' number 1 Bis networking event). If your serious about Bis Thailand you have to meet these guys, their skill and knowledge is priceless!
Visit soon, share Thai Smiles, a memorable experience.