BOI Fair 2011, which will be held from 10-25 November is the third time the Board of Investment has organized an industrial fair to showcase the accomplishments of Thai industry and the development of world-class industries in Thailand.

In 1995, as part of the celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s accession to the throne, the Board of Investment organized BOI Fair ’95, and Their Majesties, King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit, graciously presided over the opening ceremony on 17 February 1995. Under the theme, ‘Thailand Moves Ahead,’ BOI Fair ‘95 showcased the country’s strong potential for future industrial development and the capabilities of Thai manufactured goods and services.

Buoyed by the success of BOI Fair ‘95, in 2000, as part of the 6th cycle (72nd birthday) celebrations of His Majesty the King, the BOI organized a second BOI Fair, BOI Fair 2000, with the opening ceremony presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.
Among the goals of BOI Fair 2000, which was held at Muang Thong Thani in suburban Bangkok from 3-17 February 2000, was the restoration of confidence in the Thai economy among foreign and domestic investors in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
Throughout the 15 days of the Fair, leading companies from all over the world showcased the capabilities of Thai industry, and provided an opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to show their capabilities by exhibiting products.
To say BOI Fair 2000 was a success would be an understatement, as almost 4.5 million people flocked to the fair, which included 72 outdoor pavilions and more than 1,000 indoor booths.

The BOI also organized more than 175 seminars on a variety of topics of interest to both industry and consumers and the seminars proved extremely popular, attracting some 20,000 participants, more than double the original estimate.
The Ministry of Labor organized a Job Fair, attended by more than 50,000 job hunters, about 40% of whom were able to secure jobs, primarily in factories on Thailand’s vibrant Eastern Seaboard. The Department of Vocational Education (DOVE) also exhibited at BOI Fair 2000, highlighting innovations from students at some 100 vocational schools nationwide.
There can be little doubt that BOI Fair 2000 was a success in every sense of the word, and with 84 pavilions (all of which have already been booked) and 3,300 booths, BOI Fair 2011 is sure to be even more successful than the previous two events.
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